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2015-06-16 11:14:27 浏览:



  The required size for the photographs:

  Full length photograph – 10cms×15cms or 4” × 6” (postcard size / 4R) - 全身照

  Passport photograph – 3.5cms×4.5cms or 2” × 1.5” - 护照标准照片

  Please have both your photographs taken as follows:

  Light blue color background – 浅蓝色背景

  Warm open smile (teeth visible) – 露齿笑容

  Stand facing the camera with legs straight, feet together and hands relaxed by the sides – 站直, 双脚并拢, 双手在身体两侧自然下垂

  Ensure that your photographs are clear. Photo-shopped and Polaroid pictures are to be avoided. – 照片效果须清晰. 请勿PS或使用快照.




  Dress Code for photographs:

  Business attire with knee-length skirt – 正装, 及膝裙

  Hair must be neat and tied back if long – 发型齐整, 长发须向后扎住,不要遮挡耳朵

  Please do not wear neck scarves – 请勿戴围巾

  Closed court shoes with heels and no straps – 正装皮鞋

  Conservative jewellery – 如佩戴首饰应得体




  Dress Code for photographs:

  Business suit, shirt and tie – 着正装, 衬衣及领带

  Neatly shaven – 不留胡须

  Hair to be well groomed (Not shaven or spiked) – 发型整齐

