Morning, madam(Sir). Welcome board!
May I introduce myself, I'm ___, the chief purser of
this flight.
Morning, sir. Welcome aboard. Business class or economy?
Follow me, please. Your seat is in the middle of the cabin.
An aisle seat on the left side ------ Here you are, sir.
I’m afraid you are in the wrong seat. 20C is just two rows behind on the other aisle.
Excuse me for a second, I’ll check.
The plane is about to take off. Please don't walk about in the cabin.
You know the weather in Hongkong is not so good. It has been delayed.
You’re flying economy class. Is that right?
登机口 gate; departure gate
机票(指限定条件) endorsement/restrictions
航班号 flight no.
订座情况 status
机票确认 ticket confirm
机号 plane No.
机座号 seat No.
座舱等级 class(fare basis)
吸烟坐位 smoking seat
非吸烟席 non-smoking seat
旅客姓名 name of passenger
起点城市 from
前往城市 to
起飞日期 date
起飞时间 time
乘运人(公司) carrier
机场费 airport fee
国际机场 international airport
国内机场 domestic airport
机场候机楼 airport terminal
国际候机楼 international terminal
国际航班出港 international departure
国内航班出站 domestic departure
卫星楼 satellite
入口 in
出口 exit ; out; way out
不需报关 noting to declare
海关 customs
候机室 departure lounge
航班号 FLT No(flight number)
来自。。。。arriving from
前往… departure to
预计时间 scheduled time
实际时间 actual time
已降落 landed
起飞时间 departure time
延误 delayed
登机 boarding
由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures
迎宾处 greeting arriving
由此上楼 up; upstairs
由此下楼 down; downstairs
银行 bank
货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange